
  • +1 (314) 606 7003

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We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with any items/product you have ordered from us. If you are not satisfied with any items/product, we will accept returns as follows:

After placing your order you will receive an order confirmation via email. Each order starts production 24 hours after your order is placed. Within 72 hours of you placing your order, you will receive an expected delivery date. When the order ships, you will receive another email with the tracking number and a link to trace the order online with the carrier.

Under this rule, cancellation of your order shall not be considered once you have received confirmation of the same. If you proceed to cancel your order after it has been confirmed, We shall have a right to charge you cancellation fee of a minimum of 20% upto the order value, with a right to either not to refund the order value.
We shall also have right to charge you cancellation fee for the orders cancelled by Cann-B for the reasons specified in the refunds policy.However, in the unlikely event that any product you have ordered from us is not received in good condition, is damaged or defective, or your order being unavailable, or if product delivered is different from what you had ordered, we will contact you on the phone number provided to us at the time of placing the order and inform you of such unavailability. In such an event you will be entitled to cancel the entire order and shall be entitled to a refund in accordance with our refund policy.
We reserve the sole right to cancel your order in the following circumstances:

a. failure to contact you by phone or email at the time of confirming the order booking;

c. failure to deliver your order due to lack of information, direction or authorization from you at the time of delivery; or

d. unavailability of all the items ordered by you at the time of booking the order; or e. unavailability of all the items ordered by you at the time of booking the order.

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Your account will be validated in the next 24 hours. For making an immediate purchase with the buying group discount please use the coupon code 'FRIEND’ Please note that the coupon code can be entered at the final screen upon checkout.